I attended the BioEM2023 conference organized for June 18–23, 2023, in Oxford, UK. The event discussed the effects of electromagnetic fields from a variety of perspectives. A bit of a surprise to me was to hear how common it is in the beauty industry to use devices with functions related to electromagnetic fields. It was also interesting to learn about the studies related to pacemakers.
As mentioned in my previous bulletins, the European Commission has asked the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) to produce two scientific opinions on the safety of electromagnetic fields (Opinion I and II). I have now discovered on SCHEER’s website that the WG on Electromagnetic fields (EMF) II did work on the draft text in their meeting on May 26, 2023.
Once again, I have found some fascinating scientific articles for this new bulletin. The bulletin now also includes articles on topics other than low frequency electric and magnetic fields. For example, researchers have looked into the effects of electromagnetic fields generated by electric cars, smartphones and smartwatches on cardiovascular implantable electronic devices. I think this is a topic of general interest as these devices are so common nowadays.
Hope you enjoy reading this summary in English!