Summary of the situation report bulletin (2/2024) published online

In my bulletin editorials, I have often mentioned that the European Commission has asked the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) to produce two scientific opinions on the safety of electromagnetic fields (Opinion I and II). In November 2023, SCHEER launched a public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on the potential health effects of exposure to low frequencies. Now it has published the updated Final Opinion.

More details about the Final Opinion are shared in the first bulletin article. The Final Opinion discusses the same topics that have previously been discussed in these bulletins too. On SCHEER’s website, you can also find the comments they have received on the draft opinion.

Once again, I have found some fascinating scientific articles for this new bulletin. As mentioned above, the first bulletin article provides information on SCHEER’s updated Final Opinion.

Early in the bulletin, there’s an article on Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, which is one type of childhood kidney tumor, and according to the authors, the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in children. The article reports on an extensive study into environmental risk factors, mentioning paternal occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields as one of them.

Hope you enjoy reading this summary in English!

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